\nAnd what’s even grosser is the hair is almost touching the other passenger’s leg. What a hairy situation to be in. Yikes!
"],"title":"How Dreadful","image":{"name":"p4o5d5wcss6xekw2.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Knowing where an exit is on planes is essential and apparently, when it comes to them, anything goes. Of course, the normal thing to do is use them to exit the plane, but some people find others uses for them, like as the perfect spot for a footrest. Can you believe it?\nEven though it’s pretty gross, it’s one way to make sure the exit doesn’t open during the flight.
"],"title":"Exit Plan","image":{"name":"0y8iv4bof7a0r284.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":576,"height":1024},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":711}}}},{"text":["While some people stay busy on airplanes by listening to music, reading a book, or taking a nap, it’s always nice when there’s an entertainment system with games, movies, and TV shows. And this person wasn’t doing anything particularly crazy playing poker, besides using their foot to move the cards. Weird, right?\nWho knows, maybe they were using their hands to eat and they only had their feet free? Even still, it’s pretty disgusting.
"],"title":"Poker Feet","image":{"name":"i4cj3c26b1vaqamn.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":900},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":500}}}},{"text":["What is it with people thinking airplanes are their living space and they can do whatever they want on them like hanging laundry to dry? We have to admit, we’re not sure if these are dirty or clean clothes, but regardless, it’s a pretty weird thing to do on a plane. \nAnd not only is there a shirt hanging, they actually hung their underwear for all to see! Is nothing private anymore?
"],"title":"Dirty Laundry","image":{"name":"o83o24ijunpmo3ys.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Upon first glance, these two men look like twins. But they’re actually not twins! What are the odds that two men sitting next to each other on a plane would both have red hair, blue eyes, and the same hairstyle and facial hair? \nWe’re still not convinced they’re not long-lost brothers because the resemblance is uncanny. We’re going to need to see a DNA test!
"],"title":"Twinning","image":{"name":"56t3pg0oyn69n0xz.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":647,"height":481},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":297}}}},{"text":["Are you as confused as we are? This image belongs in a horror movie. Why are there legs just hanging in the air and where is the rest of the body and the head? \nAfter getting past how weird this is, we can’t help but think it can’t possibly be comfortable to sleep in this position. And not only does it look super uncomfortable, no one needs to smell feet.
"],"title":"The Upside Down","image":{"name":"n7k9ofxscummxsvq.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":598,"height":818},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":547}}}},{"text":["Why take a visit to the zoo when you can see penguins on a plane? Are we the only ones confused as to why there are penguins waddling up and down the aisle? Maybe they’re some sort of emotional support animal like the parrot. \nEither way, it’s something you don’t see on every flight and we’d be sure to snap a photo too if we had penguin passengers onboard with us.
"],"title":"Penguins on a Plane","image":{"name":"nwvqyrhah2at7z37.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":458,"height":451},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":394}}}},{"text":["Well, don’t worry—there’s nothing to see here. We bet this person thought they were completely hidden in the blanket fort that they made to protect them from all of the other annoyances on the plane. \nBut is it really working? It seems like a pretty big bother to have to sit like this just to hold it in place, but at least it’s creative!
"],"title":"Blanket Forts","image":{"name":"ownnevmgz3m8rtou.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["More often than not, little kids on planes are really annoying—they’re either crying or yelling and we kind of feel bad for their parents. But this one who’s showing off their squeaky toy to a complete stranger behind them just seems so innocent. \nWe really hope they didn’t squeak it throughout the flight because that would make us go crazy! Can you imagine how annoying that would be?
"],"title":"Squeak Squeak","image":{"name":"zjfvca65t0ct8txw.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Eating on a plane is completely normal, after all, they give you meals on flights. While they’re not known for being the tastiest, it’s still nice to have food on your flight. But this woman decided to make the most of it by pretending she was in her living room, sitting with her feet up in the air. \nAnd not only are her feet in the air, but she’s barefoot. We’ll admit, we’ve seen worse, but it’s still not the most thoughtful.
"],"title":"Sitting Back and Relaxing","image":{"name":"jjl5r6glahloz9px.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["We thought we saw the last of the odd emotional support animals after seeing the parrot and penguins, but apparently, ducks also make great therapy animals. \nAgain, we had no idea ducks are considered support animals and at least this one has the most adorable pink slippers and a leash so it doesn’t waddle all the way down the aisle and bother other passengers. How cute is that?
"],"title":"Duck Off!","image":{"name":"gkpcmoooxhetiuo7.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":578,"height":770},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Is there something that looks a bit odd to you on this plane? We can’t get over how empty it is—there doesn’t seem to be anyone in any of the seats, which is a dream come true. \nBut this person took it a bit too far, stretching their legs across the aisle and obstructing the way while taking a nap. We hope no one needed to get through to use the bathroom.
"],"title":"No One Shall Pass","image":{"name":"sw5uct1zq8r4qf4i.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["One thing’s for sure—this man really made the most of his flight. While it’s not uncommon to order a drink or two, he had at least nine! He’s even clutching one to his chest for safekeeping. \nWe must admit, we’re surprised the flight attendants didn’t cut him off a while ago. Well, at least he’s passed out cold and he probably got a good sleep in before his vacation. We just hope he didn’t arrive hungover.
"],"title":"Too Much to Drink","image":{"name":"fx1wia5em9dqrpab.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":631,"height":483},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":306}}}},{"text":["By now, passengers putting their hair all over the seats and in other people’s space shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. But what we can’t seem to understand is if people just don’t notice they’re doing this or if they think it’s okay. \nWell, this passenger couldn’t even use their entertainment system because there was hair covering it. At least they could catch up on some reading.
"],"title":"Hairy Situation","image":{"name":"hq03rwchkdv6od9i.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["As if parrots, penguins, and ducks weren’t weird emotional support animals, this person brought a panda with them! But after doing a double-take, the panda taking up the seat is actually just a stuffed animal! Phew!\nWe can’t help but wonder where we can get a life-sized penguin stuffed animal. Now that’s something we wouldn’t mind having with us on our next flight as it looks so plushy!
"],"title":"Panda Express","image":{"name":"xuabmjcyyhhl89y9.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":540},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["On every flight, there’s that awkward situation that comes when you want to lean back your chair, but also don’t want to invade the space of the person behind you. But if the chairs weren’t meant to go back, why would they make them that way?\nAnyway, this man made the best out of a crammed situation by using the chair in front of him as a face rest while reading the newspaper. What a gentleman!
"],"title":"Lean Back","image":{"name":"ts29krniw316zenk.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Placing stickers on your wall at home or on your car is perfectly acceptable, but who brings stickers with them on a flight and then puts them all over the walls? We can’t think of anyone other than a small child who was trying to keep themselves busy. But where were the parents?\nWe feel bad for the worker who has to scrape the stickers off. If we could, we’d make the child’s parents do it.
"],"title":"Wall Art","image":{"name":"0iwrxtwyc6vezlug.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":403,"height":403},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Alright, so any Marvel fan would find this pretty cool. While we doubt it’s Peter Parker underneath the suit, this person went all out with their love for Spider-Man. We can’t help but wonder if the flight was on Halloween. How cool would that be?\nWhile it’s a bit over-the-top, we bet the costume made lots of kids’ days because they got to see their favorite superhero.
"],"title":"MARVELous","image":{"name":"zc46whxmhi4mwct3.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Celebrities have to fly too, and if you’re lucky enough you may even catch a flight with one of them. While we haven’t actually seen stars in real life, how cool would it be to share a flight with Parks and Recreation’s Nick Offerman? \nBut we must admit, the actor looks less than pleased to be disturbed on his flight and he seems to be just like his character!
"],"title":"If Ron Swanson Was on Your Plane...","image":{"name":"enfftsve2wvb7orw.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Sure, we’ll admit that cutting your fingernails is a little better than cutting your toenails on a flight, but we still wouldn’t do it. \nIt’s something you should do in the privacy of your own home, not on a crowded plane. If you need to cut your nails, why not go to the bathroom so no one has to watch you? And what’s worse is the nail clippings would go everywhere!
"],"title":"Nailed It!","image":{"name":"89rnm85p9mlj21aa.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Well, it’s safe to say this guy does not look happy that the passenger next to him decided to take off their shoes and socks. While taking off your shoes is totally acceptable, taking off your socks crosses the line.\nNo one wants to smell your stinky feet and this person’s feet are invading this passenger’s space. It’s worse than taking up two armrests! The selfie really speaks for itself here!
"],"title":"Fancy Feet","image":{"name":"0nzdks4k526mqtdj.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Sure, we understand that this person injured their foot and maybe they needed to keep it elevated but did they really have to rest it on the tray table? Couldn’t they have at least put a blanket down or worn a sock so their foot wasn’t directly touching it?\nNot only is the foot touching where people eat, but unless you have a foot fetish, feet aren’t the most pleasant thing to look at.
"],"title":"Bandaged Up","image":{"name":"k3hs7k03f3kidvq3.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Yet another person who decided that an airplane was the ideal spot to air out their dirty laundry. And like the last one, they hung their drawers over the seat. What kind of person displays their underwear for all to see? Is anything sacred anymore? \nWell, at least they have great taste in boxers because after all, they’re wearing Ralph Lauren. But we have to wonder what they’re wearing now.
"],"title":"Personal Items","image":{"name":"6lqushjmwqvmhddw.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Just when we thought we had seen the last of emotional support animals, this adorable piggy comes along and it just looks so happy to be in the air! It has to be one of the cutest therapy animals we’ve seen! And better yet, it’s really giving true meaning to when pigs fly.\nThe pig is even sitting back and relaxing with a beer and a book, enjoying its time on an airplane.
"],"title":"Flying Pig","image":{"name":"dw0xh0e6dshhq0dj.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":596,"height":596},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Apparently, animals like to fly just as much as people do and when it comes to emotional support animals, none are off-limits. We had no idea miniature horses could be brought onboard as therapy animals!\nWhile it’s pretty cute, the fellow looks like it’s being jammed into the seat and the woman by the window doesn’t seem too pleased with the cramped seating arrangement.
"],"title":"My Little Pony","image":{"name":"utsce32py6mcfacx.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":480,"height":360},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["OMG! Who in the world brings spiders on a plane and how did this one make it through security? We’re pretty sure this hairy tarantula shouldn’t have been on the plane to begin with and what’s worse is this passenger released it from the jar, letting it roam free.\nIt’s sure to give all of the passengers a scare and we hope there was no one with arachnophobia sitting close by.
"],"title":"Spider!","image":{"name":"kq7xbgf22gxreom3.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Here’s the perfect solution when you don’t want to be annoyed by the other passengers while flying—just cover yourself with a plastic raincoat. We have to wonder if this person knew that they weren’t completely hidden and the coat was transparent. We can see you! \nBut the only problem is it looks like it could have come straight out of a murder scene or Dexter. Even still, we’re loving the creativity.
"],"title":"Body Bag","image":{"name":"x85a95hh858s9j1j.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Look, we get it, potty training is hard and it takes lots of patience and time, but is an airplane really the place to practice how to go to the bathroom? And if you’re going to potty train your kid onboard, at least do it in the bathroom and dump out the fluids. There’s actually pee in this one! How gross!\nThey must’ve been so proud that their child used it that they felt like they need to show it off to the world!
"],"title":"Potty Training","image":{"name":"doe9bvukbzr00euy.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Sure, we’ve seen children bring stuffed animals and toys on their flight, but this Chucky doll is better left in horror movies. It’s truly what nightmares are made of and this one appears to be hung on the seat, staring right at all of the passengers. \nWe’d be terrified to go to sleep and we’d keep one eye open at all times with the serial killer doll on the loose!
"],"title":"Chucky!","image":{"name":"lcizwl180awotjkn.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":481,"height":771},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":641}}}},{"text":["Out of all of the emotional support animals we’ve seen on planes, a turkey has to be the strangest. Who brings a turkey on a flight? It must’ve made so much noise!\nWell maybe it was Thanksgiving weekend and the passenger wanted to get into the holiday spirit. We hope this fellow was a therapy animal and didn’t end up on someone’s dinner table. But we can’t help but think the worst.
"],"title":"Talk Turkey","image":{"name":"6x6tde7q1bumvpiw.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Kid’s do the darndest things and when it comes to personal space, they’re not the best at giving it. Like this one who decided to stick their little hand between the seat and tap on this passenger’s leg. \nWhile it may be annoying, it’s also pretty adorable. Who can blame this child for trying to have fun and make the plane journey a bit more enjoyable?
"],"title":"Child’s Play","image":{"name":"lld9e5yvlsw99jqt.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["How annoying is it when the person sitting next to you is listening to their music on full volume and you can hear it through their headphones? Well, if we were sitting next to this musician, we’d wish they were just listening to music loudly. Who brings a tray-table-sized keyboard on a flight and plays it?\nWe have to wonder if he thought they were doing the other passengers a favor by giving them a live concert.
"],"title":"Piano Man","image":{"name":"08jmkuq7ofqv4nij.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":600,"height":1026},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":684}}}},{"text":["Besides the annoying passengers, one of the worst things about planes is there always so darn cold! This passenger found a clever way to deal with both by wrapping his head and arms in this blanket so absolutely no one could bother him while he got a nice nap in.\nEven though he looks super toasty, how’s he supposed to eat or drink all bundled up?
"],"title":"All Wrapped Up","image":{"name":"84hbtay7n7yhsf0v.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":540},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["We get that having someone else’s hair in your seat is annoying and it’s something you shouldn’t have to deal with while on an airplane, but it happens all too often. And when it does, here’s what you shouldn’t do—stick gum in someone’s hair! What nerve some people have!\nWe can’t even begin to say how rude this is. We wonder how she managed to finally get the sticky gum out.
"],"title":"Stuck on You","image":{"name":"eh2ec7xkfxn0g3uj.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":615,"height":803},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":522}}}},{"text":["Time after time we see people acting like the plane is their living room. Between drying their laundry to taking off their shoes, we’ve seen it all. But this person jumping from seat to seat instead of stepping on the ground is just too much. \nNot only is this dangerous, but his feet are literally touching every single seat. How gross! Even the flight attendant behind him doesn’t look pleased.
"],"title":"Hot Lava","image":{"name":"cy6pa19yeguclzu8.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":405},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":225}}}},{"text":["Now here’s a first—a plane full of hawks and a few human passengers. There are more birds than people on this plane! Maybe it’s an alternative universe where humans are the service animals for hawks because this is just plain weird. \nWe’ve never seen anything quite like it and we just hope there was no one with ornithophobia on the plane because it would be very unsettling.
"],"title":"Bird Box","image":{"name":"q50xzcrc0a2cdjh7.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":600,"height":600},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Traveling during the pandemic has been challenging and while wearing masks is the best way to protect yourself, this man has the right idea. He covered himself completely in a plastic bag, sealing it at the top.\nHe gave new meaning to cabin baggage and we wonder if he had to pay for his ticket or he claimed himself as someone else’s baggage. We can’t help but think there’s a deeper religious meaning behind why he’s wrapped in plastic.
"],"title":"Cabin Baggage","image":{"name":"d7xx6uhalw8yxk55.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":522},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":290}}}},{"text":["What is it with people wrapping themselves in plastic bags? What’s the point of it? It must be some sort of safety risk.\nNot only is it extremely reckless, but it’s also a pretty creepy and scary sight for anyone else around because her eyes are closed and it looks like she’s passed away. It sure isn’t something we’d want to see on any flight.
"],"title":"Plastic Bags","image":{"name":"je6wq5te0fyp2wna.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":449,"height":589},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":525}}}},{"text":["Young folks these days. They’ll do anything for their 15-minutes of fame, even if it involves making a fool out of themselves. Like this woman who decided the airplane was the perfect opportunity to get up into the aisle and show off her twerking skills. \nWhat a sight! She even flashed all of the other passengers, giving them some free entertainment while onboard the plane.
"],"title":"Twerking Queen","image":{"name":"0p26149mhcrbido2.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":479},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":266}}}},{"text":["No flight is complete without the bite-sized packages of peanuts or pretzels. And this guy got so many of them that he made himself his very own crown out of them. Now he’s the king of the snacks. \nHe’s giving Mr. Peanut a run for this money and when he gets hungry, all he has to do is remove his crown and start snacking. It’s genius!
"],"title":"Mr. Peanut","image":{"name":"kv22otlemognzokr.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":793},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":496}}}},{"text":["If you’re anything like us, you have a dirty mind. The only thing we can see while looking at this photo is the phallic-looking hat. It looks just like male genitalia and the skin-tone color and shape aren’t helping either. \nWe can’t seem to look away at this beanie that’s just not quite right and we can’t help but wonder if the person wearing it has any idea that it looks so wrong.
"],"title":"Phallic Objects","image":{"name":"tx6mg1q63qkcwmzr.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":696,"height":485},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":279}}}},{"text":["There are some things you never want to see on a plane and smoke is definitely very high on that list. Why is this airplane smoking and why does no one seem to be taking it seriously? \nThey all seem to be just chilling in their seats instead of heading to an emergency exit and this man even snapped a selfie. How much calmer can you get?
"],"title":"Getting Smokey","image":{"name":"gjofmt24slde9kzh.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":471},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":269}}}},{"text":["It’s one thing for airplane passengers to remove their socks and shoes during their flight, but it’s something else entirely when a pilot does it. This certainly doesn’t make us feel very safe.\nAnd not only is this pilot barefoot, but he was also only wearing flip-flops to begin with. If you thought driving in flip-flops was hard, imagine operating an airplane in them. We’d rather not.
"],"title":"Your Pilot","image":{"name":"il0znpgl6mrlni13.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":536,"height":703},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":525}}}},{"text":["Celebrities don’t always travel via private jet and when they ride airplanes like the rest of us, sometimes they just want to enjoy their flight without having to deal with fans. Well, believe it or not, this happens to be Sex and the City’s Sarah Jessica Parker! \nYeah, we couldn’t believe it either! She looks more like the Hulk than the fashionable Carrie Bradshaw we’re used to, but the designer bag and sunglasses kind of give it away.
"],"title":"The Incredible Hulk","image":{"name":"ke1la6rz086nn0i3.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":656,"height":812},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":495}}}},{"text":["We’ve seen our fair share of emotional support animals on planes on this list, but this is the first dog we’ve seen, which is quite shocking. But this isn’t any ordinary dog, it’s a Great Dane and they’re huge.\nThis precious pup is bigger than most people and it’s taking up an entire seat! Even though it’s a bit of an oversized passenger, there’s no denying that the pooch is pretty cute.
"],"title":"A Great Passenger ","image":{"name":"sxs4n94dxxqgxh0o.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":647,"height":812},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":502}}}},{"text":["Just when we thought the Chucky doll was the doll of our nightmares, at least we knew what to expect of it as it’s pure evil. \nWhile this American Girl Doll looks so sweet and innocent, she’s making us feel super uncomfortable the way she’s staring at us between the seats. It’s enough to scare us to death. She’s just so creepy with her girl next door look.
"],"title":"The American Girl","image":{"name":"qr4v98q9931fq3ip.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":605,"height":815},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":539}}}},{"text":["We’ve seen penguins, ducks, ponies, pandas, and turkeys as emotional support animals, and now we’ve got a llama! We could make a zoo with all of these animals. \nWe’re not sure how a llama is an emotional support animal, but they sure are fluffy and cute creatures. And this beautiful woman took the opportunity to get a selfie with the llama. The llama really stole the show!
"],"title":"No Promllama","image":{"name":"midhryppv6jr32i0.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":439,"height":600},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":547}}}},{"text":["People sleep in some weird positions on airplanes and we still can’t get over the odd ways people have been able to contort themselves in order to find a comfy spot. \nBut this man doesn’t look comfy at all, kneeling in order to get a nap in and something doesn’t look quite right about it either. We just feel bad for the passenger trying to eat next to him.
"],"title":"A Good Night’s Sleep","image":{"name":"e6n8b84sd3y19c6y.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":540},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["First of all, we can’t get over how empty this flight is. But we’re just as surprised seeing this person wearing an astronaut helmet. They were either trying to stay extra safe during the pandemic or they thought their flight was taking off to somewhere else entirely—space. \nWe can’t fault this guy for wishful thinking. How epic would it be if you could just fly off to space for vacation?
"],"title":"Outer Space ","image":{"name":"cwejg8xova8pk3w7.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":699},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":388}}}},{"text":["OMG! No, this woman isn’t being restrained in a mental hospital, she’s on a plane. She got duct-taped to the airplane seat after she tried to open the door of the aircraft mid-flight. We can’t help but wonder, what kind of person does such a thing?\nCan you imagine the scare the other passengers must have had while seeing someone getting duct-taped during their flight?
"],"title":"Duct-Taped","image":{"name":"0jsdl21oaqa4kj0l.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":480},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["Some people don’t know when to stop drinking and when they’re on planes they drink even more to help them deal with their flight anxiety. But alcohol doesn’t do well with airsickness and this woman learned that the hard way after a drunk person threw up in her hair. How disgusting!\nCan you imagine having to sit through the rest of your flight with someone else’s vomit in your hair? Gross!
"],"title":"Too Much to Drink","image":{"name":"hpgwzuxu0yisx9u8.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":476,"height":523},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":439}}}},{"text":["There’s nothing wrong with getting your workout in and it’s even more important right before you board your flight because flying can be rough on your body. But doing an ab workout mid-flight and lying down right in the middle of the aisle to do it isn’t the way to go. \nNot only is this man drawing tons of attention to himself, but people can’t even get to the bathrooms. How rude!
"],"title":"Airplane Workouts","image":{"name":"f8r8cs0v4nyu26mg.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":675,"height":1200},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":711}}}},{"text":["If you thought that these photos taken on planes were funny, wait till you see the next batch of photos that will just make you wonder, baffle, be amazed, and whatnot. \nThese photos might look innocent at first, but taking a closer look reveals a whole other disturbing story.\nFrom photos that must be paranormal to strange-looking knees, these pictures definitely need a closer look.
"],"title":"35+ Freaky Photos That Require a Closer Look","image":{"name":"egqlhe9n7vvkymft.jpg","credit":"Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}}]}; From dealing with messy and noisy customers to living on tips and dodging unwanted advances, being a waiter is easier said than done. It’s one of the most stressful jobs and many people have been one at least once during their lives.
More often than not, waiters aren't treated with respect and even still, they have to do their jobs with a smile on their faces. We've compiled a list of annoying things waiters can't stand. Have you done any of these?
If a waiter is being nice to you, they’re doing it because it’s a part of their job, not because they’re expecting to be invited on a date. Flirting with waiters is a huge no-no because it can make them feel uncomfortable.

Image via @victorybyviktoria/IG
It’s even worse when thirsty customers leave their phone numbers to servers instead of leaving the tip. Reddit user Randomlycandy perfectly summed it up when she wrote, “You expect me to call you for the rest of my tip or something? Yeah, you’re exactly who I’d want to date.”
People usually stack their plates thinking that they're helping waiters, but it actually does more harm than good. If you want to be helpful, move things to the side. Doing more than that is unnecessary because it makes things more complicated.
As Reddit user Danam524 explained, “I know it’s done with good intention, but if you hand me a stack of plates there’s almost a 99% chance they aren’t stacked correctly.”
You may only see your kids’ good side, but not everyone does, especially waiters. They’re happy to serve your kids, but cleaning up their mess, handling their temper tantrums, and stopping them from bothering other guests is a different story.
It’s your job to control your children and keep them in check when you’re taking them to a restaurant. If you can’t handle them, leave them at home because it’s not the server’s job to also be their babysitter.
Waiters rely heavily on the tips they receive from the customers because they often work below minimum wage. You can whine about it all you want, but nothing will change until the system does and they’ll struggle to make ends meet without tips.

Image via @anaplankenhorn/IG
In the U.S. a normal tip is anything between 15-20% and leaving less than that is rude. Even if the service is slow or the food isn't good, don’t punish your waiter by leaving them a bad tip because it’s usually not their fault.
If you think “who pays the bill” is a fun game to play with your date, friends, or family, we guarantee that your waiter doesn’t feel the same way. It's a huge waste of time and it adds unnecessary stress to their already stressful job.
Reddit user Blackdragonking13 has a pretty easy solution to this problem: “Figure out who’s getting the bill before I drop it off. I can’t pick a side because then I gotta deal with the other getting all pissy at me.”
Even if you don’t feel like bothering your waiter once your meal reaches the table, you should speak up if you have any problems. They won’t be able to help you or fix the issue if you wait to address it until you're about to leave.

Image via @thecqbaristas/IG
Reddit user PinkWhiteandGreen summed it up best by writing, “I hate it when customers don’t complain about something, at least not until after the fact when it comes time for the bill and it’s too late to try and fix their issue.”